Wednesday, October 30, 2019
BUSINESS LAW Speech or Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
BUSINESS LAW - Speech or Presentation Example Unlike members of ordinary partnerships, the LLP itself is responsible for any debts that it runs up, not the individual partners. 3 The Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) is viewed as an alternative corporate business vehicle that provides the benefits of limited liability but allows its members the flexibility of organizing their internal structure as a partnership based on a mutually arrived agreement. The LLP form would enable entrepreneurs, professionals and enterprises providing services of any kind or engaged in scientific and technical disciplines, to form commercially efficient vehicles suited to their requirements. Owing to flexibility in its structure and operation, the LLP would also be a suitable vehicle for small enterprises and for investment by venture capital. 4 Members in case of negligence or fraud are personally liable only if he assumes personal responsibility for the acts done.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Gender Differences Towards Work Life Balance Social Work Essay
Gender Differences Towards Work Life Balance Social Work Essay 4.0 Introduction: The findings and analysis presents all the information that was gathered based on the methodology employed in the earlier chapter. The role of this chapter identifies findings which had revealed and explained employees understanding and perception towards work-life balance incorporated within MEGA through analyzing data. Gender Differences towards work-life balance: Balancing work and non-work commitments requires time management which could be a bit of a challenge. The diagram below illustrates such comparison between both genders. Findings on the average level of employees able to balance work and family life responsibilities on a weekly basis revealed that majority of the respondent indicated that they are seldom able to balance both. The results were given from both genders where the 35 percent of respondent that chose that they seldom are able to balance both were women as opposed to the remainder answered yes they are always able were men. The researcher findings had revealed that apparently women tend to be the ones that basically are seldom capable of achieving work-life balance on a weekly basis. Also the diagram shows that men are better able to have a better work-life balance whether it is often or always as compared to women. Furthermore in addition from the questionnaire another finding was analyzed where it was revealed that from both genders the mean is higher in women who have children compared to men. Figure illustrate that the women within MEGA has the higher number of children as against men who has twice as least. Also analyzing the data in figure () there are three times more women than men working in MEGA. The researcher analysis is drawn upon that the expectancy rate of women is higher to experience conflict trying to balance both work and family responsibilities as opposed to men within this particular organization is because there are more women working in MEGA as against to the number of men employ. Causes of Work-Life Balance Conflict The causes of work-life conflict were analyzed by the researcher to find out the reason behind it. The researcher findings werent a bit surprise by the results from employees. From the figure, the researcher found out that the major causes of conflict between balancing work and personal responsibilities was relating to these four factors within MEGA. The job-relating factor that influences work-life conflict the most was insufficient flexibility in the workplace. Eighty-nine percent (89%) of employees responded that they had difficulties balancing work and personal life responsibilities as a result of not having enough flexibility as compared to sixty-seven (67%) was other contributing factor. Timing of meetings/training was the least whereas working long hours was minimal. Participants were asked to indicate which of the following hinder you in balancing your work commitments in the workplace. Figure ( ) depicts the findings on the relevant categories that hinder employees work achievement. An examination of the chart point out that caring for children at been scored highest where 63 percent of respondent imply that this issue hinders them to achieve work commitments. Followed by a close responds to other and leisure time activities where 23 percent indicated other and 18 percent imply leisure time. The remainder answered further education. The participated managers and supervisors were then asked to describe the importance of work-life balance within the organization. Based on the answers given by managers and supervisors to describe the importance of work life balance, all participants agreed 100 percent that there is positive outcome for having balancing in the organization. They all relate work-life balance as means of assisting employees to reduce stress level which in turn would deliver substantial high productivity, job satisfaction and some level of commitment to the organization. The researcher analysis of the causes of work-life balance conflict is related mainly to insufficient flexibility in the workplace. The result suggests that employees dont have a problem working long hours or overtime. However perhaps if employees are/were given sufficient flexibility to manage both responsibilities tend them would be more likely to minimize work-life conflict. As Robertson (2007) stated in the literature review, organizations that offer flexibility in the workplace give employees the advantage to have good balance between both responsibilities whereas evolving to healthy employees and in return healthy employees are good for business succession. Conversely taking care of children has been pointed out to be the most significant hindrance factor for employees to achieve work commitments in MIC. As Hudson (2005) stated earlier that employees are more likely to be less productive, less committed and highly decisive of leaving the organisation once they are experiencing increased stress due to work/life conflicting issues and are perceived of having no control over balancing work and non-work demands. To be of the same opinion the author analysis is drawn upon where managers and supervisors all understand the importance of incorporating work-life balance in the workplace. All respondents had coincided with Hudson (2005) statement of employees level of positive outcome to organization. Policies On the questionnaire, employees were asked if they currently use any of the work-life policies provided by the organization. The author received 100 percent of all respondent answering that they all use work-life policies that are provided by the organization, however it is a question of how do they utilize such policies. Another question was implied asking if employees were given approval of such work-life policies provided by the organization. Question Yes No Are you given approval of work-life policies 83% 17% Out of one hundred 83 percent stated that they are given approval whereas the remaining 17% had imply that they are not given any approval. Managers and supervisors were asked what is the organization typical way or tools used for assisting or promoting work-life balance. From the interview, the author found that there are work-life policies implemented within MEGA, however there are only a few. Employees are given six (6) days which is applicable as casual leave to assist with personal errands only at managers discretion of granting approval. In addition flexible workings hours are administered where employees can start work from 7:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m. where they are allow à ½ hour and finish work between 3:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m. in the interim employees must work 7à ½ hours per day. However employees are required to work back their hours by the end of the week in the event that they request time-off or does not work the required amount of hours per day. From the questionnaire, employees were further asked to what extend do the work-life policies make a difference with balancing work and personal issues. From the findings, it revealed from the figure ( ) that 22 percent reply stating that it made slight difference whereas 53 percent of respondents indicated that the work-life policies implemented within the organization makes no difference towards their daily responsibilities. An investigation into MEGA employees attendance records was examined from 2009 to 2010 to make a comparison for how many casual leave was taken and to indicate if there was any trend. Figure ( ) illustrate such findings for both years. The standard deviation of days taken by employees was 23.00 in 2009 and 23.87 in 2010. The figure also shows that majority of employees utilized the full amount of casual days which is six (6) for both 2009 and 2010 followed by the utilization of five (5) casual days. With correspondent to casual leave, from the interview managers were asked how the work-life policies and procedures implemented for employees are. Again from the interview the author findings had revealed mixed respondents from both managers and supervisors. Apparently employees are granted casual leave and flexible time based on each department and managers discretion. In addition to the findings during the interview participants were asked if there are any kinds of penalty or negativity towards employees who avail such policies. Again this question was answered in accordance to each department manager. Majority of the managers explain that employees are not hinder from career progression or promotional achievement however employees must work back the time that are required to work, to complete deadlines and shortage of employees. If employees are not subjective to such rules there would be a reduction in their salary. Supervisors viewed the same responds indicating agreement to the managers. However supervisors stated further that employees are kept back from promotional development in MEGA based on their attendance records not by such individual contributions and commitments to performance. Based on the findings relevant to the work-life balance policies incorporated with MEGA, the author analysis is interpreted as there are work-life policies implemented within the organization, however the methods used to assist employees is not substantially sufficient to fulfill with such balance of work and personal life responsibilities. Yes employees are given flexible working time however 1 hour difference is not considered as a lengthy time to promote it as a method for work-life balance. Also the flexible working hours does not make much difference to majority of the employees. Employees who have such powerful policies to assist them with solving work-life conflict are more likely to deal with balancing both issues easier. Galinsky and Stein (1990) found that employees who have the power to solve work problems were likely to suffer lower stress and felt their job caused less interference with their life. Furthermore even though employees are given approval of such work-life policies, the permission of approval of policies are practice differently in each department. In addition to deal with such work-life challenges majority of the employees result to the utilization of all or most of their casual leave. To a further extent, the findings draw that management resent employees of utilizing such policies. As already explained in the literature review utilization of work-life policies can be perceive a factor correlated to less job security and negative career progression (Rodbourne 1996). Managing Balance: Managers and supervisors were asked to describe the importance of work-life balance. The average respondent by managers and supervisors provided relatively the same answer where they understood that work-life balance is a way of being able to balance both the demands for work commitments and personal life responsibilities as a means of everyday position. Do you think if employees have good work-life balance the organization will be more effective and successful? Employees were asked that if employees have good work-life balance if the organization would be more effective and successful. Figure indicate the respondent from employees pertain to the question. Based on the respondent the majority of employees answered yes to that question. In fact findings revealed that 90% of employees strongly believed the organization would be more effective and successful if the employees have good work-life balance. Furthermore based on the question asked, employees were also asked to specify on the same question how the organization would be successful based on their answer whether the answer was yes or no. The majority of the respondent who answered yes had basically the same response. Majority of the respondent answered by implying that if employees have good work life balance employees tend to work more efficiently whereby the level of productivity would definitely increase because employees are less overwhelmed and would be able to concentrate better. The qualitative findings of employees getting good work-life balance in the workplace were questioned. What could the organization do to help employees balance both work and family life commitments? There were mixed views expressed towards organization assistance with work-life balance. Average respondents had expressed that the organization could be more considerate by acknowledging that as employees they experience challenges juggling both commitments by trying to accommodate important family appointments and demands for work deadlines. The stances by employees had pointed out also that the organization should offer more flexibility in terms of achievable flexible working hours. One respondent stated that organizations should be a bit flexible for the competing responsibilities of getting the kids ready for school, travelling to work, long hours of congested traffic, picking up the kids from school and getting home late at evenings Monday to Friday. While other respondent stated that management need to be more lenient towards employees utilizing such work-life policies that are implemented within the organization. Based on the available answers that was collected through the use of this questions employed, it inherently seems that the organization would benefit by become successful and more effectively from employing good work-life balance. Both managers and supervisors already have an understanding of what is work-life and the importance of incorporating. In fact from the literature review Tourn (2007) had imply that the organization can benefit from work-life balance where the returns would be gains of productivity, lower turnover rate and loyalty from employees. Also Thompson et al., (1999), had implied the same concept. If organizations cannot foster good work-life integration then employees experiencing both private and work stress will likely to suffer from low concentration and in the end lower productivity (Thompson et al., 1999). The greatest benefit for a good work-life balance to be effective and successful is in fact suggested that the organization promote such execution. So it is safe to imply that the evidence speaks for itself. Support for Work-Life Balance Further to the findings, during the interview participants were asked to describe the present work environment position with regards to employees contributions, level of productivity and commitments to the organization. Almost five out of six of the managers explained the present work environment as remotely satisfactory because there is teamwork amongst employees for getting the work done and most of the time deadlines are achieved. One manager explicitly describe the work environment as unbalance because frequently employees are reporting sick whereas work responsibilities have to delegated to a department that is seen as shortage of employees. Supervisors also viewed this question differently by implying that there is reasonable dissatisfaction in the workplace because employees are slightly frustrated and tends to completed only what is necessary on a daily basis. Furthermore supervisor described it as unbalance satisfaction because employees are reporting late or sick frequently causing overlapped of their responsibilities to other employees that are present. From the answers given the researcher draws analysis that the work environment as intrinsically unbalance. Employees are told to take on addition work responsibilities added to their regular job requirement because some employees are frequently reporting sick. Furthermore respondents were asked to indicate which of the following in figure ( ) assist them towards balancing work and family commitments. Based from the figure shown below, a frequency percentage of 44.7 percent disclose that the use of work-life leave available within MEGA was the one to help with the balance of both work and family commitments. Also on further assessment 32 percent of the respondents acquire support from family members followed by a close range of 31.2 percent of support from their supervisors. However statistical finding discover that the participated respondents had specified that the least amount of work-life balance support are from managers by a 16.5 percent. Also to add to work-life conflict, from figure ( ) it has been understood that employees employed within MEGA do not obtain full support from theirs managers. As the researcher recall from the literature review, employees who have family-supportive managers and work in organization that offers family-friendly initiatives tends to stay with the organization (Powell 2010). Participated managers and supervisors were asked during an interview done separately, how managers and the organization currently emphasize work-life balance in the workplace. Answers from both managers and supervisors were somewhat a mixed viewed from the interview. The managers explained that employees are given support where employees can approach the managers with stress relating to feeling overworked and personal issues for the managers are humans and have family lives also. However supervisors begged to differ from managers acknowledgment. Supervisors stated that managers are remotely negative towards employees especially when it comes to problems that are not actually work-related. From the findings it seems that managers had implied that they are supportive towards employees when in fact they arent. Employees and supervisors have both agreed that managers are inflexible towards their employees in the workplace. As Herlihy Maiden (2005) suggested that in order for employees to be effective at work, managers themselves need to be able to make unique contributions to the organisation that lies within the contexts of their own personal condition. So it is evident that managers themselves need to have an imbalance in work and personal life issues in order to contribute and be fully support ive of work-life integration. Overall Discussion From the whole findings that were questioned and examined by the author, the results underline some very importance relationship and differences between the work-life policies and implementation with respect to both employees and the organization. Management already have a clear understanding of what is work-life balance is and the high importance of promoting work-life in the workplace. Management somehow believe that the organization have work-life policies incorporated within the workplace that would assist employees but based on the research done about work-life balance, those methods used by MEGA are not sufficient and well foster to assist with balancing work and life issues. MIC entire organization workforce consists of majority of women employ compared to the men and majority of the women has more than 1 child. Friedman Greenhaus (2000) already noted that women make up half the workforce in organization and is increasing in higher levels. Amongst the gender difference most women in MIC are seldom able to balance both their work and family life on a regular basis. However despite the gap in the gender difference, employees generally are dissatisfied with working arrangement of work-life balance carried out in the organization. Almost the whole of management perceived the present work environment as balance where employees level of commitment and productivity are satisfactory, however the supervisors are not 100 percent in agreement with the level of contributions achieved by employees. The findings from the questionnaires answered by employees also incline grounded analysis that MIC present work environment is not as balance as management perception tow ards it, the author is in agreement with the employees and supervisors responds. Results suggest that the two main factors associated to work-life conflicts within MIC are insufficient flexibility and working overtime. In relation to this employees not have a problem with working overtime however flexibility needs adjusting to assist them to achieving balance with work and personal life demand. Thomas and Ganster (1995) found that proper scheduling which gave a group of employees more control over their time had in fact reduce conflict between work-life responsibilities. In addition employees major hinder for achieving work within MIC is taken up by the responsibilities of taking care of children, other personal responsibilities and leisure time. Given the findings of employees utilizing such policies management are negative towards employee for submitting to such action. In this regard, Hein (2005) had explain that employees tend to be hesitant to proceed to use them because of career concerns or the fact that they receive negativity from line managers and tends to discourage them from using it. The importance of supportive work environment mainly from MIC management is what employees are stipulating on. The result found that employees get a lot of support from family members and supervisors however employees are not fully supported by some of management where they receive negative attitude and resentment from management. The organization foster supportive measurement to accommodate employees yet for majority of employees some departmental culture is embodied in the attitudes and behaviours of their immediate line manager. Such support from managers mitigates the negative effects of work-life conflict occurrence. Employees who have family-supportive managers and work in organization that offers family-friendly initiatives tends to stay with the organization (Powell 2010).
Friday, October 25, 2019
Epic of Beowulf :: Epic of Beowulf Essays
I have just completed the reading of Beowulf, which was translated by Burton Raffel. 1) Beowulf is an extremely exciting and fascinating story about a character who lived in medieval Europe. The shocking thing for me about this work was to find out that it is the earliest poem in a modern European language. Beowulf is to the English what Homer and the Odyssey were to the Greeks. Although this is the earliest poem, it is still fun and exciting to read. I didn't believe that a poem which has been around for more than twelve centuries, could keep my interest. I was wrong. The book is filled with more blood and guts then the average summer horror flick. After the battle with Grendel, the monster which has been ravaging the Danish countryside and killing countless men, Beowulf makes sure that all people know that he had injured the great monster. It is translated that, " Dane doubted the victory, for the proof, hanging high from the rafters where Beowulf had hung it, was the monster's arm, claw and shoulder and all" (Raffel, 49). It was the shocking use of detail and exciting battles that was left with me when I finished the book. I guess all books, regardless of their age can still be fun and entertaining to read. 2) Good literature has a very precise definition for me. I judge a piece of literature on three different criteria, 1) does it have memorable characters, 2) does the work take me to a place and let me experience things that I have never experienced before, and 3) will the work stay with me long after I have completed reading it. This is the criteria on which I judge a book and according to this, I believe that Beowulf should be considered "good" literature. I always ask myself, when I am done reading a book, did the book have memorable characters. In Beowulf, the characters were memorable. A minor character in the book, the king of the Danes, named Hrothgar, is a character who sticks out greatly in my mind. Hrothgar was a king of the Danes and built for them a huge mead hall in which men were able to eat drink and be merry. It was then that the great monster, Grendel, came and destroyed the utopia which was Herot by eating and feasting on the Danish warriors. Hrothgar sticks out in my mind because I could envision him, in the time before Beowulf came to the Danes, in anger and despair over this monster that wouldn't stop killing his soldiers and friends.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Unfortunate effects on rural public education in Ecuador
Educator George Washington Carver one time stated, ââ¬Å" Education is the key to unlock the aureate door of freedom â⬠( State University 2002 ) . Such key will ne'er be held by the manus of Ecuadorians as the state of Ecuador battles to supply a satisfactory instruction system to kids in rural countries. The hapless instruction system is a cardinal subscriber to Ecuador ââ¬Ës province as a underdeveloped state. This restricting factor has created a barbarous rhythm of kid labourers and inequality among kids in rural and urban communities ( Salazar and Glashinovich 1996 ) . This paper will supply an in depth analysis of the instruction systems in Ecuador and the reform required to supply kids with a better hereafter. Ecuador ââ¬Ës substandard instruction system is a effect of the deficiency of authorities support towards substructure and handiness. With the deficiency of money towards instruction, jobs such as inconsistent instruction, hapless attending, and inequalities between rural and urban scho 1ols arise. Attempted advancement has been made by reformers such as President Rafael Correa who works with authorities support to better school systems ( Bellettini 2004 ) . It is people like President Rafael Correa who are undoubtably the greatest beginning of hope to the instruction system of Ecuador. Last April, I travelled to Ecuador with Canada World Youth. The intent of the trip was to organize a partnership between the Canadian and Ecuadorian pupils. The trip provided me with a cross-cultural experience as I learnt the necessity of foreign for rural instruction. Our group of 14 pupils raised $ 10,000 which was used to patronize the instruction of 4 pupils in Ecuador including their high school fees. The neglecting instruction system instated in rural Ecuadorian communities is faced with legion issues affecting, inconsistent instruction, and hapless attending. These issues are presented due to the deficiency of authorities support and support for instruction. The jobs presently present in Ecuador make it hard for Ecuadorians to go comfortable and contribute to society. Political instability within the state ââ¬Ës ain boundary lines have invited violent protests refering the old three democratically elected presidents ( Lopez and Valdes 2000 ) . Political issues every bit good as the economic crisis have proved to foster the potency of reconstructing proper and effectual instruction patterns in rural Ecuador. Many societal establishments demand governmental support, but it is the instruction system in Ecuador that is the most despairing. Research workers have highlighted that the instruction system has easy been bettering since the 1990 ââ¬Ës ( Vos and Ponce 2004 ) . Although, in comparing to old decennaries, the educational development has decreased in effectivity while educational inequalities has drastically grown between the urban and rural communities. The Ecuadorian authorities has set aside deficient financess for their societal plans as they entirely contribute four per centum of the states Gross Domestic Product, compared to the mean 12 per centum that the general Latin American state invested ( Ibid 2004 ) . Not merely has the Ecuadorian authorities neglected financess for the necessary societal plans but they have besides transferred their focal point to societal protection plans. This transportation of precedences has cut the support for instruction plans by 50 per centum ( Cibilis, Giugale and Lopez-Calix 2003 ) . The budget cut has affected all school systems across Ecuador, particularly the Ru 2ral communities. The limited support has caused a lessening in school substructure, teacher salary, and teacher preparation plans. The school systems are enduring and necessitate more investing and greater reform schemes. The authorities must increase their investing to at least five per centum of the state ââ¬Ës Gross Domestic Product in Oder to be successful ( Schiefelbein 1992 ) . In 2007, President Correa was elected to office in Ecuador. He created a platform that believed in instruction excellence and instruction reform ( Economist 2009 ) . Since 2007, Correa has spent about $ 280 million on school substructure and care ( Ibid 2009 ) . In add-on the President has introduced logic trials which instructors must go through in order to educate the young person. These logic trials are designed to increase a instructor ââ¬Ës credibleness and ability to teach immature pupils ( Ibid 2009 ) . Those who do non go through the logic trials are required to take a twelvemonth long preparation class which will assist to develop their instruction schemes and cognition. The logic trials benefit the school systems as instructors become more prepared and have more effectual instruction methods. These trials will be a compulsory step for all instructors, and will shortly increase the quality of Ecuador ââ¬Ës public instruction system. The deficiency of authorities investing towards societal plans, specifically instruction systems has greatly inf 3luenced handiness, learning methods, and school substructure. The rural communities are far more underprivileged so the urban public schools in Ecuador. In rural parts and in most parts of Latin America, instructors are likely to be under qualified and uneffective at teaching. Similarly to Ecuador, 40 to fifty of Latin American instructors have no professional preparation or makings ( Schiefelbein 1992 ) . The deficiency of preparation and makings is a consequence of hapless support and investing by the authorities. Training plans and workshops are non available to all instructors particularly those in the rural communities. In Latin America, people who graduate with higher degrees of instructions tend to travel to the urbanised metropoliss and obtain comfortable occupations ( Schiefelbein 1995 ) . Sadly, those who have hapless degrees of instruction, become instructors. Teacher ââ¬Ës with no preparation and limited cognition dictate the quality of a school. Furthermore, the lear ning population in Ecuador earn low wages as the authorities does non believe that instructors merit higher wages ( Schiefelbein 1992 ) . A typical public school teacher in rural Ecuador by and large earns $ 350 per month ( Torres 2005 ) . Teachers make an insufficient wage because there is limited support. Without support and low wages, most teachers at the public school degree have two or more occupations to pay for their fundss. Multiple occupations on the spell, means that instructors sometimes neglect to demo up to teach. The Foundation for Sustainable Development claims that there is a high rate of absenteeism among instructors ( 16 per centum ) â⬠( FSD 2003 ) . With instructors absent from categories 16 per centum of the clip during the scholastic twelvemonth, pupils are losing important acquisition chances. Most of the instructors absent for that clip would be working at other occupations seeking to derive a greater income. The quality of learning in rural Ecuador and in the public system is really low as the instructors are under qualified and largely disinterested in instruction. Although some instructors are effectual, the huge bulk of those effectual instructors are accepted to learn at private schools. Private schools in Ecuador have the money unlike public schools to afford exemplarily instructors. Unfortunately for the public system, qualified instructors escape to the private schools wh 4ere their wages are frequently five to ten times higher so the populace system ( Schiefelbein 1995 ) â⬠The typical school is unable to engage extremely skilled instructors and will happen it hard to implement inventions to better its educational quality â⬠( Schiefelbein 1992: 36 ) . The methods of direction are unequal in states like Ecuador. Unfortunately due to budget restraints, instructors do non hold entree to a course of study to assist better their lesson programs. Without a common course of study to be followed by all public schools, the acquisition becomes inconsistent and unequal between different schools and parts ( Schiefelbein 1992 ) . Simple accomplishments that involve reading, composing, comprehension are hard to accomplish in rural Ecuador ( Ibid 1992 ) . Teacher ââ¬Ës do non posses the necessary certificates and stuffs to learn these kids, as the authorities neglects them of the necessary resources. With limited support invested in instruction, many effects arise with improper learning methods between schools in rural Ecuador. The greatest effect of hapless instruction is the rate of pupil repeat. In Latin America, merely 19 per centum of nine twelvemonth olds attend schools, but about 50 per centum of the first class pupils repeat as they are unable to carry through the instructor ââ¬Ës demands ( Schiefelbein 1992 ) . The state of Ecuador would drastically profit if more money was invested into increasing the quality of learning as it would diminish the rate of pupil repeat. Repeating a class is non merely reeling the pupil ââ¬Ës ability to larn and affect themselves in the work force but it besides posses monolithic affects on the educational system financially. In rural Ecuador, repeat is two times higher so the states average ( Ibid 1992 ) . If the Ecuadorian g 5overnment were to put more money in to developing an accessible course of study for all instructors, repeat rates would diminish. The Ecuadorian public school system posses many jobs for people in rural communities. The incompatibility in learning methods are followed by widespread hooky as parents would instead direct their kid to work every bit opposed to inscribing them in a rural school. Limited entree to schools and excess pupil costs for those in rural Ecuador are some of the major factors that affect registration rates and attending. There are huge differences and unfairnesss that are noticeable when comparing urban and rural instruction systems. Although public instruction is free for kids ages five to fifteen old ages old, enrollment rates suffer drastically in rural communities. In urban developed countries, kids have an norm of 12 old ages of schooling while kids from rural Ecuador merely have an norm of four old ages ( Cibilis et al. 2003 ) . Of those kids who had four old ages of schooling, merely 19 per centum of the entire rural population is enrolled in school compared to eighty per centum of th e entire urban population ( Ibid 2003 ) . Education unfairnesss are besides impacting those kids who wish to go to higher instruction degrees as merely two per centum of the poorest quantile attend higher instruction ( Ibid 2003 ) . The Ecuadorian authorities must larn how to scatter their support every bit among communities so that instruction patterns and handiness is the same for every kid. One of the most common grounds for the deficiency of registration, is due to school handiness. Although the Correo authorities is get downing to put more in school substructure and care there are still minimum public schools available for kids in rural countries ( Economist 2009 ) . ââ¬Å" Merely 42 % of kids among those in the poorest quantile have entree to preschool instruction â⬠( Cibilis et al. 2003: 271 ) . There is perceptibly more chance for preschool instruction in urban communities as they are given a higher precedence over rural public instruction. Coincidentally there are more kids in rural Ecuador who need public instruction than urban countries. The unequal funding and hapless handiness to public schools for those populating in rural Ecuador posse major determinations on parents. They frequently have to make up one's mind whether or non to inscribe their kids due to fiscal restrictions. Although Ecuador promises to function the populace with free instruction there are still excess costs that are non covered by the authorities. With restricted financess, households have trouble paying for uniforms, school supplies, and transit ( Vos and Ponce 2004 ) . The indirect costs linked to the deficiency of authorities investing are a considerable decrease in household income because the kid is no longer working ( Ibid 2004 ) . Many households in rural Ecuador are faced with the hard determination on whether to direct their 6 kid to school or hold them work. With more authorities support towards public instruction, parents would non hold to pay excess costs for school. Therefore, parents would be more inclined to inscribe their kids to go educated. Although it is apparent that the rural instruction system in Ecuador is despairing for money and seems slightly incapacitated, there are reform patterns taking topographic point that are proven to be effectual. Presently in Mexico, instruction reform is taking topographic point that could be implemented in to Ecuador ââ¬Ës instruction system. Education reform known as ââ¬Å" Telesecondary â⬠would be movable and an effectual agencies of reform in rural Ecuador. Telesecondary is a learning scheme that delivers greater instruction through new engineerings. It consists of utilizing computing machines, cyberspace and mass media ( Cibilis et al. 2003 ) . The pupils larning from this advanced instruction method distance themselves from the teacher. The chief intent of Thursday 6 7is reform is to give all kids the ability to larn at their ain gait with a structured and dependable beginning of information ( Cibilis et al. 2003 ) . Another recommendation and applicable instruction reform scheme would be following the theoretical account of the ââ¬Å" Escuela Nueva â⬠. The Escuela Nueva undertaking is presently being practiced in Mexico. Escuela Nueva is community based which focuses chiefly on active engagement, and concerted acquisition ( Schiefelbein 1992 ) . The undertaking helps kids larn critical life accomplishments by using their cognition learnt in category to the outside community. This theoretical account of instruction responds straight to the instruction challenges that are presently present in Ecuador. It helps to extinguish hapless educational substructure, repeat rates, and under qualified instructors. The Escuela Nueva plans help schools to accomplish a standardised course of study, better instructor preparation and greater community enga gement. Once portion of the Northern Inca Empire, Ecuador has suffered a riotous yesteryear. Such is exemplified as the state has faced hapless administration and instability of fundamental laws as they have merely late imposed their twentieth fundamental law since 1830 ( State University 2002 ) . However, the greatest job to confront the state is that of instruction. The hapless instruction system is a cardinal subscriber to Ecuador ââ¬Ës province as a underdeveloped state. Ecuador ââ¬Ës substandard instruction system is a effect of inconsistent instruction, hapless attending, and the nonobservance of minority groups. Progress has been attempted by reformer President Correa who has concentrated 1000000s of dollars on breaking instruction in Ecuador. Undeniably, it is he w 8ho serves as the greatest beginning of hope to the instruction system of Ecuador. Although the President and his authorities have made much advancement during his two-term reign, there are many stairss to be taken to make declaration, including the riddance of child labour. Subsequently such extended instruction jobs are followed by the changeless conflict with child labour in add-on to hapless economic patterns. It is educational reform which will take to the development of Ecuador as its citizens become literate and receive extra chances, such as occupations, thereby decreasing poorness ( Bellettini 2004 ) . Education may be the job, but it is besides the solution to increase Ecuador ââ¬Ës patterned advance to go a developed state.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Personal Safety
STATE UNIVERSITY 2011 Bulletin for Students and Parents Personal Safety on Campus July 14, 2011 Overview State University prides itself as having one of the safest campuses in the entire northeast. Still, it cannot be stressed enough that personal safety, either on campus or off, is a shared responsibility. Students must understand that our campus security measures are only as effective as the precautions students take to ensure their own safety. In response to concerns over a 2010 incident in which a male student was accosted and robbed by a local resident, State University has prepared this bulletin as a primer on personal safety.Please talk with your student before the 2011ââ¬â2012 school year begins about this increasingly important issue. If you have questions or specific concerns, please feel free to call our Campus Security Department at (555)à 555. 1212. A Message from the President: ââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬â ââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬â- At State University, we consider the safety of our students and faculty of utmost importance. During the first week of classes, we will be offering daily seminars on campus safety. Students are strongly encouraged to attend one of these sessions. Personal Safety Know Your SurroundingsIf you detect suspicious activity, act immediately to remove yourself from danger. If you find yourself in a dangerous situation, follow these steps: 1. Trust your instincts and donââ¬â¢t take unnecessary risks. 2. Call for attention while moving to a lighted or populated area. 3. Call campus police (x1099) or 911. 4. If there is a fire alarm nearby, activate it. 5. If necessary, defend yourself with your keys or a pen. 6. Get yourself out of the situation as quickly as possible. At Home Discuss safety issues with your roommates and make sure you all have an understanding when it comes to safety.Agree to keep doors and windows locked, especially at night. Ke ep important safety numbers near your phone (see the end of this bulletin). Never open the door for strangers or let strangers into the building, even if they claim to be friends with a resident. Take the following individual precautions: * Never leave messages on your door announcing your whereabouts. * Always have your keys ready before reaching the door. * Never loan your keys to anyone. * Never prop open an entry door. * Do not write your name or address on your keys. * Report any defective locks immediately. Property SafetyPerhaps the most common yet preventable crime on college campuses is property theft. Following is a list of the most commonly stolen items: * * MP3 players * Cash * Jewelry * Bicycles * Skateboards * Laptops * Wallets/Purses * Backpacks * CDs/DVDs * Books * Cell phones * Credit cards Take the same precautions you would use to protect yourself. There is no need for flashy or expensive jewelry on campus; leave especially valuable jewelry in the safety of your h ome. Remember that you have to rely not only on yourself taking precautions, but also your roommates being responsible for your belongings, so discuss this with them.Never carry large amounts of cash and never leave your belongings unattended in the library or other common areas. Keep a list of serial numbers in case stolen property is recovered. Consider registering your bicycle with the SUCSSââ¬âsponsored retrieval program. Common Safety Tips * Always carry your cell phone. Important numbers are given at the end of this bulletin. * Carry a safety whistle, available free of charge at the Student Center. * Learn to defend yourself with unconventional weapons, such as your keys or a pen. * Avoid walking alone or in poorly lit areas at night.Use the ââ¬Å"Buddy System. â⬠* If you must walk at night, get a portable flashlight. * Be prepared. Know how you will respond beforehand. * Consider taking a self-defense course. * Keep your purse or handbag draped over your shoulder. * Never hitch a ride with someone you do not know. * If walking or jogging near the road, always face oncoming traffic. Important Numbers Campus PDx1099Strickland Hall, 211 City Police91134 Post Road Fire Dept555. 31237 Post Road Hospital555. 123419 Liberty Street Campus MDx1010Strickland Hall, 110
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
The Universe Essays - Physical Cosmology, Big Bang, Universe
The Universe Essays - Physical Cosmology, Big Bang, Universe The Universe It is always a mystery about how the universe began, whether if and when it will end. Astronomers construct hypotheses called cosmological models that try to find the answer. There are two types of models: Big Bang and Steady State. However, through many observational evidences, the Big Bang theory can best explain the creation of the universe. The Big Bang model postulates that about 15 to 20 billion years ago, the universe violently exploded into being, in an event called the Big Bang. Before the Big Bang, all of the matter and radiation of our present universe were packed together in the primeval fireballan extremely hot dense state from which the universe rapidly expanded.1 The Big Bang was the start of time and space. The matter and radiation of that early stage rapidly expanded and cooled. Several million years later, it condensed into galaxies. The universe has continued to expand, and the galaxies have continued moving away from each other ever since. Today the universe is still expanding, as astronomers have observed. The Steady State model says that the universe does not evolve or change in time. There was no beginning in the past, nor will there be change in the future. This model assumes the perfect cosmological principle. This principle says that the universe is the same everywhere on the large scale, at all times.2 It maintains the same average density of matter forever. There are observational evidences found that can prove the Big Bang model is more reasonable than the Steady State model. First, the redshifts of distant galaxies. Redshift is a Doppler effect which states that if a galaxy is moving away, the spectral line of that galaxy observed will have a shift to the red end. The faster the galaxy moves, the more shift it has. If the galaxy is moving closer, the spectral line will show a blue shift. If the galaxy is not moving, there is no shift at all. However, as astronomers observed, the more distance a galaxy is located from Earth, the more redshift it shows on the spectrum. This means the further a galaxy is, the faster it moves. Therefore, the universe is expanding, and the Big Bang model seems more reasonable than the Steady State model. The second observational evidence is the radiation produced by the Big Bang. The Big Bang model predicts that the universe should still be filled with a small remnant of radiation left over from the original violent explosion of the primeval fireball in the past. The primeval fireball would have sent strong shortwave radiation in all directions into space. In time, that radiation would spread out, cool, and fill the expanding universe uniformly. By now it would strike Earth as microwave radiation. In 1965 physicists Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson detected microwave radiation coming equally from all directions in the sky, day and night, all year.3 And so it appears that astronomers have detected the fireball radiation that was produced by the Big Bang. This casts serious doubt on the Steady State model. The Steady State could not explain the existence of this radiation, so the model cannot best explain the beginning of the universe. Since the Big Bang model is the better model, the existence and the future of the universe can also be explained. Around 15 to 20 billion years ago, time began. The points that were to become the universe exploded in the primeval fireball called the Big Bang. The exact nature of this explosion may never be known. However, recent theoretical breakthroughs, based on the principles of quantum theory, have suggested that space, and the matter within it, masks an infinitesimal realm of utter chaos, where events happen randomly, in a state called quantum weirdness.4 Before the universe began, this chaos was all there was. At some time, a portion of this randomness happened to form a bubble, with a temperature in excess of 10 to the power of 34 degrees Kelvin. Being that hot, naturally it expanded. For an extremely brief and short period, billionths of billionths of a second, it inflated. At the end of the period of inflation, the universe may have a diameter of a few centimetres. The temperature had cooled enough for particles of matter and antimatter to form, and they instantly destroy each other, producing fire and a thin haze of matter-apparently because slightly more matter than antimatter was formed.5 The fireball, and the smoke of its burning, was the universe at an age of trillionth of a second. The temperature of the expanding fireball dropped rapidly, cooling
Monday, October 21, 2019
Mosquito Coil Made From Lanzones Essay Essays
Mosquito Coil Made From Lanzones Essay Essays Mosquito Coil Made From Lanzones Essay Paper Mosquito Coil Made From Lanzones Essay Paper Essay Topic: Zone One In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Subject Biological Science Erick Racho ââ¬â Grade 8 Diocese of KalookanErros Galope ââ¬â Grade 7 Diocese of Butuan Chapter IThe Problem and Its SettingThis is the first chapter in an investigatory undertaking. It shows the background of the survey. its aims and the statement of the job. In short this chapter gives us the starting of this job or experiment. Background of the Study In this clip of the twelvemonth. more and more mosquitoes are teeming in our milieus. and now some mosquitoes have a virus called dandy fever that can besides kill a individual if non treated. There are already many things we can utilize to avoid being bitten by this insects and one of those are mosquito repellents. One sort of a mosquito repellent is a katol or spiral in English. This is a taper like object that secretes smoke that can kill mosquitoes. Many scientists are now proving if there are alternate stuffs that can be used in doing spirals. Some have discovered that other workss are besides available stuffs in doing mosquito repellents. There are besides other utilizations of workss than merely nutrient. shelter and nutrition but besides a protection against harmful insects. Rationale of the Study The usage of some workss as medical utilizations is a fact that it is possible to do a mosquito repellent with a tegument of a lanzones fruit. Dengue is a really painful virus if non treated instantly. Merely from mosquitoes can we acquire this virus and it is really hazardous if bitten by one with it. These spirals might be one of the things we use but it is made of chemicals so it can non be safe from everyone particularly the fume it secretes. Using workss or fruits as alternate stuffs alternatively of chemicals can alter or destruct those symptoms and could decrease the alterations. Aim of the survey A mosquito spiral made up from natural mosquito driving workss will take the wellness jobs caused by commercial mosquito repellants. If this undertaking succeeds. this can be profitable for concern and can promote others to look for other utilizations of our countryââ¬â¢s natural resources. Having an alternate solution to forestall the different sort of diseases that mosquitoes convey particularly dengue febrility and non do another job. Making usage of the natural resources of our state to work out common jobs caused by mosquitoes. particularly dengue. Our state being a tropical state can profit if this experiment succeeds. Statement of the ProblemThis survey tries to happen out the effectiveness of Lanzones desquamations as a mosquito slayer. Specifically. it wil answer the undermentioned inquiries: 1. is at that place a different figure of putting to deaths on the Lanzones mosquito slayer and the commercial mosquito slayer.2. is it more applicable to utilize than the commercial 1.Recent surveies showed that the fume generated from firing mosquito spiral is of certain wellness concerns a individual being exposed to the fume coming from the spiral may endure terrible unwellness and concerns that harms people particularly wheezing people.3. Is it possible to do a mosquito spiral made from lanzones4. Would the lanzones mosquito spiral be better than commercial spiral people use today? 5. Will at that place be harmful side effects if we use the mosquito spiral made from lanzones desquamations? Hypothesiss Some workss are now being studied have other potencies than merely medical specialty or nutrition. Lanzones peelings/skin has other utilizations than merely being thrown. The tegument. of the langsat assortment. can be dried and burned as incense. This tegument of the lanzones that can besides be dried and burned as incense can be a cogent evidence that this can be an alternate stuff for a mosquito repellent. One illustration is an marjoram. it is said that it contains antioxidants. anti-microbial and anti-parasitic compounds. Significance of the Study Our state. the Philippines. is a tropical state and now that pollution is now destructing the natural clime we have. searing heat and heavy rainfalls are what we now experience. These are besides the cause that the dandy fever virus is made. Now that more and more mosquitoes are now holding these virus. we have to utilize mosquito repellents to decrease the opportunity of holding it. The result/s of this survey can be a aid in the devising of new mosquito repellent but made from lanzones and other alternate stuff that can be said safer to the community and to those wheezing. This can besides assist others detect that lanzones besides has a possible in being used as a mosquito repellent. This can besides be a usher in doing a mosquito repellent that people can do in their places. This can be a new find for our community and this can be developed from farther surveies from the Bureau of Plant Industry. As we all know we donââ¬â¢t truly utilize the peelings/skins of workss and we merely throw them off. with this undertaking we can decrease the cachexia and throwing of these peelings/skins of fruits and these can decrease the pollution in our community. Scope and Boundary line This undertaking tackles on doing a mosquito spiral that is made up of natural ingredients that is non harmful to human wellness. Our undertaking besides tackles the protection of human existences against mosquito bites that cause diseases. This undertaking besides focuses on the utilizations of lanzones alternatively of being a fruit that we eat but alternatively a new alternate stuff on an object that can assist our community. Definition of Footings The followers are the of import footings that were considered in the research: Incense. A stuff used to bring forth a fragrant olfactory property when burned Alternative. Something that can be chosen alternatively of something else. Asthmatic. Peoples who have a status that makes it hard for them to take a breath. Mentions: hypertext transfer protocol: //www. prezi. com/qk0anp0reh1r/katol-out-of-lanzoneshypertext transfer protocol: //selftitledasylum. blogspot. com/2011/03/anstor-katol-mosquito-repellent. hypertext markup language
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Essential Things to Know About Shakespeares Sonnets
Essential Things to Know About Shakespeares Sonnets The collection of 154 Shakespeare sonnets remains some of the most important poems ever written in the English language. Indeed, the collection contains Sonnet 18 ââ¬â ââ¬ËShall I Compare Thee to a Summerââ¬â¢s Day?ââ¬â¢ ââ¬â described by many critics as the most romantic poem ever written. It is strange that, considering their literary importance, they were never supposed to be published! For Shakespeare, the sonnet was a private form of expression. Unlike his plays, which were written expressly for public consumption, there is evidence to suggest that Shakespeare never intended for his collection of 154 sonnets to be published. Publishing the Shakespeare Sonnets Although written in the 1590s, it wasnââ¬â¢t until 1609 that the Shakespeare sonnets were published. Around this time in Shakespeares biography, he was finishing his theatrical career in London and moving back to Stratford-upon-Avon to live out his retirement. It is likely that the 1609 publication was unauthorized because the text is riddled with errors and seems to be based on an unfinished draft of the sonnets ââ¬â possibly obtained by the publisher through illegitimate means. To make things even more complicated, a different publisher released another edition of the sonnets in 1640 in which he edited the gender of the Fair Youth from ââ¬Å"heâ⬠to ââ¬Å"sheâ⬠. A Breakdown of Shakespeare's Sonnets Although each sonnet in the 154-strong collection is a standalone poem, they do interlink to form an overarching narrative. In effect, this is a love story in which the poet pours adoration upon a young man. Later, a woman becomes the object of the poetââ¬â¢s desire. The two lovers are often used to breakdown the Shakespeare sonnets into chunks. The Fair Youth Sonnets:à Sonnets 1 to 126 are addressed to a young man known as the ââ¬Å"fair youthâ⬠. Exactly what the relationship is, is unclear. Is it a loving friendship or something more? Is the poetââ¬â¢s love reciprocated? Or is it simply an infatuation? You can read more about this relationship in our introduction to the Fair Youth Sonnets.The Dark Lady Sonnets:à Suddenly, between sonnets 127 and 152, a woman enters the story and becomes the poetââ¬â¢s muse. She is described as a ââ¬Å"dark ladyâ⬠with unconventional beauty. This relationship is perhaps even more complex than the Faith Youthââ¬â¢s! Despite his infatuation, the poet describes her as ââ¬Å"evilâ⬠and like a ââ¬Å"bad angelâ⬠. You can read more about this relationship in our introduction to theà Dark Lady Sonnets.The Greek Sonnets:à The final two sonnets in the collection, sonnets 153 and 154, are completely different. The lovers disappear and the poet muses on the Roma n myth of Cupid. These sonnets act as a conclusion or summing up to the themes discussed throughout the sonnets. Literary Importance It is difficult to appreciate today how important Shakespeareââ¬â¢s sonnets were. At the time of writing, the Petrarchan sonnet form was extremely popular â⬠¦ and predictable! They focused on unobtainable love in a very conventional way, but Shakespeareââ¬â¢s sonnets managed to stretch the strictly-obeyed conventions of sonnet writing into new areas. For example, Shakespeareââ¬â¢s depiction of love is far from courtly ââ¬â it is complex, earthy and sometimes controversial: he plays with gender roles, love and evil are closely entwined and he speaks openly about sex. For example, the sexual reference that opens sonnet 129 is clear: The expense of spirit in a waste of shameIs lust in action: and till action, lust. In Shakespeareââ¬â¢s time, this was a revolutionary way of discussing love! Shakespeare, therefore, paved the way for modern romantic poetry. The sonnets remained relatively unpopular until Romanticism really kicked in during the nineteenth century. It was then that the Shakespeare sonnets were revisited and their literary importance secured.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Help me make a topic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Help me make a topic - Essay Example is book with the chapter explaining how a farmer gets shot in Africa by a gunman of another tribe, for his cattle herd, and any other resources that he might be keeping. Globalization is driven by economic motives, economic globalization is the largest aspect of the entire globalization phenomenon. Trans-nationalized capital goods, services IT and manufacturing, all are governed by the economics of globalization. And throughout history, economic globalization has been mainly driven by four major factors (Aina, Chachage & Yao 18), the collapse of social regimes all over the world, hyperactivity of Multinational Corporations (MNCS), the IT revolution, and market reforms (Aina, Chachage & Yao 18). The market reforms were set in the Structural Adjustment Programs (SAP) background, especially designed for the third world countries. The main agenda was to ensure the state decontrol over the economic resources and social policy space (Aina, Chachage & Yao 24). Such were the main aspects of economic integration and globalization in the 90s. Africa is the poorest continent in terms of providing social services (Aina, Chachage & Yao 30). Education and social security aside, situation in many African countries is worse; to this day, Africa is still deprived of basic necessities of life like clean water and food. Post-colonial Africa strives for better living standards, life security is one of them. Tribal wars and killings, regional mafias and their merciless armies pose a serious threat to the prosperity of the African nation. The 2006 movie Blood Diamond by Edward Zwick is a fantasy movie based on facts. The blood diamonds in the movie refer to the diamonds that are illegally sold in the market. The labor that finds them is enslaved, and they work day in day out with the fear that if they donââ¬â¢t work, they will be put to the most brutal punishments. I find it relevant to mention the movie as it depicts the darkest side of Africa and it does show how modern
Friday, October 18, 2019
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn - Essay Example This essay analyzes and explains satirical elements in Mark Twainââ¬â¢s The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Analysis A large aspect of Mark Twainââ¬â¢s satire in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is through the satirizing of religion. Such types of satire take place in a large variety of ways throughout the book. The first instance occurs during the opening chapter when Widow Douglas reads to Huckleberry Finn from the Bible. Huck states, ââ¬Å"After supper she got out her book and learned me about Moses and the Bulrushers, and I was in a sweat to find out all about him; but by and by she let it out that Moses had been dead a considerable long time; so then I didn't care no more about him, because I don't take no stock in dead peopleâ⬠(Twain, p. 3). Here Huck is showing that while he was at first interested in Moses, after discovering that Moses is dead he lost interest. Here Twain is using quiet irony as a means of satirizing religion. For Huck Moses is not appreciated for his religious significance for freeing the Jews from Egypt or receiving the Ten Commandments, but instead is only interested in Moses for the real life adventure story. In a sense this is Twainââ¬â¢s way of demonstrating that he holds no real interest in religion. For Huck the rejection of religion assumes a variety of ways. Huck also rejects having to pray before meals and calls it grumbling. When Huck hears about Hell he responds that he would like to go there, as he doesnââ¬â¢t understand what the point in going to good places is. While Huckââ¬â¢s understanding of religion is presented as ignorance, itââ¬â¢s clear that Twain implements this as a humorous critique of religion. Another prominent example where Twain satirizes religion occurs when Jim and Huck escape and spend time on an island. In large part the island is a dystopian version of the Garden of Eden. Twain is indirectly mocking the nature of such a mystical land, as well as criticizing the nature of sla very, as Jim has to retreat to this island as a means of achieving freedom. One clearly witnesses the religious imagery when the rattlesnake bites Jim. In a sense this is Twainââ¬â¢s way of indicating that the nature of the social situation is ultimately tainted by backward policies and immorality. In addition to Huckââ¬â¢s interactions with Widow Douglas religion is satirized in many ways throughout the book. One such example occurs as Huck talks to Miss Watson. During his discussions with Miss Watson she presents a version of God as mean and angry. This version of God is in direct contrast to Widow Doulgasââ¬â¢ version of God as loving and accepting. This leads Huck to claim that there are two Gods and that he wants to follow Window Douglasââ¬â¢ God. Through such comparisons and irony, Twain is demonstrating the oftentimes nonsense ways of religion. Huck also talks about prayer. He states, ââ¬Å"Miss Watson she took me in the closet and prayed, but nothing come of it. She told me to pray every day, and whatever I asked for I would get it. But it warn't so. I tried it. Once I got a fish-line, but no hooksâ⬠(Twain, p. 15). Here Twain is satirizing the nature of prayer, as many people pray as they expect God to help them or change something in their lives. Rather than praying for something important, Huck prays for fishing material; this is a way for Twain to use subtlety to mock the
The effect of economic growth on health care in developed countries Essay
The effect of economic growth on health care in developed countries The case of the United States - Essay Example The discussion are mainly focused on health care services in United States of America, however a comparison is drawn with other developed states where appropriate. 2. Historical Background The absence of a universal health care insurance plan is felt since long in America. The efforts were made to formulate a comprehensive health policy that can satisfy the public and patients, physicians, employers and the insurance providers. However, these efforts seem to be mistimed because the government could not utilized the economic growth in the period of 1990 to materialize its long public demands towards the provisioning of better health care facilities. ââ¬Å"The decade of 1990s was characterized by unprecedented economic growth and creation of wealth in United States.â⬠(Shi & Douglas, 2008, p.63). The President Clinton in 1993 presents his national health care initiative, but it could not gain the public acceptance at large scale. The major reason was the slow economic growth and rise in the costs of services and medicine as observed by Shi & Douglas, ââ¬Å"However, medical cost escalation and cost of health insurance premium continues to outpace both general inflation and general economic growthâ⬠and this degradation of economy has caused reduced health care services offered by the government and private employers, ââ¬Å"The percentage of firms offering health insurance has fallen from 69% in 2000 to 61% in 2006.â⬠(Shi & Douglas, 2008, p.562). 3. Recent Shift of Focus In recent years this trend is changed and health care has got more policy focus as compared to the 1990s decade. Health care is budgeted heavily and more research work is being...The essay presents a comprehensive review of some basic problems, that the United States are is currently facing in the system of health care. It is shown in the paper, that quality health care services can only be provided, if country is enjoying sustainable economic growth. Business should be given a freehand to concentrate on the growth of business instead of provisioning of insurance coverage and other packages because more business means better and secured economic growth. This does not mean the government controlled services, rather it should only act as a facilitator and guarantor. The absence of a universal health care insurance plan is felt since long in America. The efforts were made to formulate a comprehensive health policy that can satisfy the public and patients, physicians, employers and the insurance providers. However, these efforts seem to be mistimed because the government could not utilized the economic growth in the period of 1990 to materialize its long public demands towards the provisioning of better health care facilities. The aim should be the availability of insurance coverage to those 17% of Americans who are still all time uninsured. This petty figure has immense effect on the image of the US that is still far behind other industrial states on the globe in the field of health care services. The ever increasing costs in health care sector know no end, Medicare and Medicaid failed to control the cost at any level in health care sector and costs have never gone down.
Macroeconomic indicators of India and Vietnam Essay
Macroeconomic indicators of India and Vietnam - Essay Example The working population of Vietnam is composed of a young, easy to develop labour force. Considering the high labour available at both India and Vietnam, foreign investors can invest in the food manufacturing sector, as the agricultural inputs are readily available. Through investing in food manufacturing, the investors will benefit from the readily available unskilled and semi-skilled labour force. In Vietnam, the improvement of the regulatory environment has fostered the credibility of the business environment, but corruption and the unequal implementation of regulatory standards is still hampering business development. As a former colony of the British, India has a large English-speaking and highly educated labour force. The agricultural sector of Vietnam is highly competitive, and the economy also draws a lot from the light industry and the aquaculture sectors. For instance, Vietnam is among the largest rice and coffee exporters in the world. Due to the high potential of the agric ultural sector of Vietnam, investing in food manufacturing is likely to be encouraged by the government since it forms part of the transition to high-value production. Vietnam offers a higher level of ââ¬Å"ease to do business,â⬠which draws from the favourable nature of the licensing policies of the country. The policies on obtaining a business license and those on taxation are favourable to new market entrants. The ease of entry will help investors enter the Vietnamese economy easily, as well as enhance the economic potential of the agricultural sector. In outsourcing business, a well developed transport system plays a key role since better transport networks improve the distribution of goods from inland factories to... This paper presents a modern comparative analysis of the national economies of India and Vietnam with respect to their respective investment attractiveness to the foreign investors. India and Vietnam are the seventh and thirteenth largest countries in the world respectively. India is the worldââ¬â¢s second-largest country by national population. Vietnam has a working class expansion, among the 18 and 27 years group. India is among the fastest growing economies in the world, with a GDP that averages 9 percent for the four economic years before year 2012. In the case of Vietnam, the 20 years of economic change and reforms have changed the Vietnamese economy into a dynamic, fast-growing emerging economy. The Indian economy has risen into a global leader in business processing, technology, pharmaceuticals and telecommunication industries. Demographic statistics are critical in determining the working population, prospects of national consumption and future employment profiles. From the labour profile of Asia and India, investing in food manufacturing will be a good investment for the two economies. Investing in food manufacturing will be efficient, as the inputs for food processing are available, and labour is available at India and Vietnam. The factors that limit investing in India and Vietnam include the poor transport network, external shocks, and the demand for the economiesââ¬â¢ goodsA number of recommendations are presented for the Indian and the Vietnamese economies to enhance the competitiveness
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Law Enforcement Versus Police Interrogations Essay
Law Enforcement Versus Police Interrogations - Essay Example 2006).Terrorism is thus a form of deviant behavior. Since behavior is the hallmark here, old members of terrorist groups may work relentlessly on the psyches of new members, getting them optimally motivated and reinforced for desired behaviors. The old members also ensure that the new members are properly indoctrinated in the "crux" of the job, that is, deciding to participate in an attack even when the terrorist must die in order for the attack to be successful. Terrorism appeals to some people so much that they seek to affiliate and identify with terrorist groups and to adopt the major features of terrorist culture. Law Enforcement agencies see terrorism as a threat to national security and unity of the nation. in contrast, police interrogations see terrorism as aggression towards individuals and a threat to social order and obedience (Horgan, 2005). An important aspect of terrorists' socialization processes is the belief that the gains of dying while destroying their targets are inestimable for them after death. In socializing their subjects into believing this, terrorist leaders may easily capitalize on the already mature suicidal and aggressive tendencies in their subjects. With their orientation toward their leaders, after whom they also model themselves, terrorists will not find it difficult to believe this kind of "fantasy." This is probably why there are many terrorists ready to volunteer to undertake suicide attacks. Although this aspect of their beliefs has a religious undertone, terrorist leaders often use it to galvanize their subjects into action (Reich et al 1998). Law Enforcement agencies take into account the social learning theory which makes an important distinction between different types of aggression. Cultures and social groups have various norms regarding the appropriate use of aggression in inter-group conflict and hostility. From a psychological perspective, a key question is how effective the U.S. approach is likely to be in preventing terrorism (Horgan, 2005). The central thesis is that the approach is inherently limited because it fails to address the causes of terrorism, which, left unattended, are likely to boost anti-U.S. sentiments and produce new generations of terrorists. It suggests that a peace-building focus is needed to complement the current approach and to construct a comprehensive, psychologically informed strategy of terrorism prevention. The enemy imagery is one of the fundamental psychological mechanisms that motivates terrorism and lifts moral restraints against committing horrific acts of violence (Bonger et al. 2 006). In contrast to law enforcement agencies, police accepts and follows social injustice theory. Social injustice takes many different forms and consists of a mixture of objective and subjective elements. Objectively, it includes human rights violations, direct victimization, political and social oppression, and structural violence through preventable failure to meet basic human needs as a result of conditions such as poverty (Horgan, 2005). Although these objective and subjective elements are completely interwoven, the analysis below emphasizes the subjective since views of political conflict and terrorism
Profile of a language group present in the Los Angeles area Research Paper
Profile of a language group present in the Los Angeles area - Research Paper Example They were sourced to meet the growing demand for labor on the Hawaiian plantations following the enactment of a series of laws that barred Chinese labor immigration. Students and political exiles comprised some of the ancient Korean immigrants, providing considerable leadership in the pre-World War II Korean American community. The intervention of America in the Korean War (1950-53) prompted another wave of Korean immigration. US soldiers posted in Korea brought home Korean brides, planned adoption of Korean War orphans to American homes and sponsored students to study in America. The population of Koreans who have immigrated to America as adopted children or brides exceeds 100000 for each group. The students who were now professionals were able to apply for permanent residence visas in the US in 1965.close relatives of permanent residents and citizens greatly increased the number of Korean immigrants LA .Over a quarter million Korean Americans live in the Los Angeles-Riverside-Orange County-San Bernardino-Ventura metro area. According to the U.S. Korean Embassy, there are about 260 Korean community language schools in the Los Angeles area. The Korean language is taught as a subject mainly in colleges and universities in LA .University of California-Los Angeles (405 los Angeles, CA 90095 Hilgard Avenue) is one such college .The institution has a Korean language department and a center for Korean studies offering Korean at degree level. Korean language is taught in many other institutions of higher learning as a foreign language. Korean American children have inadequate prospects of developing bilingualism in todayââ¬â¢s US educational system. Heritage language education is available in the form of weekend schools; these are community-based programs offering language/culture instruction for a couple of hours per week. Most Korean community schools are run by Korean Christian churches, with the staff mainly comprising volunteers from the community. These
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Law Enforcement Versus Police Interrogations Essay
Law Enforcement Versus Police Interrogations - Essay Example 2006).Terrorism is thus a form of deviant behavior. Since behavior is the hallmark here, old members of terrorist groups may work relentlessly on the psyches of new members, getting them optimally motivated and reinforced for desired behaviors. The old members also ensure that the new members are properly indoctrinated in the "crux" of the job, that is, deciding to participate in an attack even when the terrorist must die in order for the attack to be successful. Terrorism appeals to some people so much that they seek to affiliate and identify with terrorist groups and to adopt the major features of terrorist culture. Law Enforcement agencies see terrorism as a threat to national security and unity of the nation. in contrast, police interrogations see terrorism as aggression towards individuals and a threat to social order and obedience (Horgan, 2005). An important aspect of terrorists' socialization processes is the belief that the gains of dying while destroying their targets are inestimable for them after death. In socializing their subjects into believing this, terrorist leaders may easily capitalize on the already mature suicidal and aggressive tendencies in their subjects. With their orientation toward their leaders, after whom they also model themselves, terrorists will not find it difficult to believe this kind of "fantasy." This is probably why there are many terrorists ready to volunteer to undertake suicide attacks. Although this aspect of their beliefs has a religious undertone, terrorist leaders often use it to galvanize their subjects into action (Reich et al 1998). Law Enforcement agencies take into account the social learning theory which makes an important distinction between different types of aggression. Cultures and social groups have various norms regarding the appropriate use of aggression in inter-group conflict and hostility. From a psychological perspective, a key question is how effective the U.S. approach is likely to be in preventing terrorism (Horgan, 2005). The central thesis is that the approach is inherently limited because it fails to address the causes of terrorism, which, left unattended, are likely to boost anti-U.S. sentiments and produce new generations of terrorists. It suggests that a peace-building focus is needed to complement the current approach and to construct a comprehensive, psychologically informed strategy of terrorism prevention. The enemy imagery is one of the fundamental psychological mechanisms that motivates terrorism and lifts moral restraints against committing horrific acts of violence (Bonger et al. 2 006). In contrast to law enforcement agencies, police accepts and follows social injustice theory. Social injustice takes many different forms and consists of a mixture of objective and subjective elements. Objectively, it includes human rights violations, direct victimization, political and social oppression, and structural violence through preventable failure to meet basic human needs as a result of conditions such as poverty (Horgan, 2005). Although these objective and subjective elements are completely interwoven, the analysis below emphasizes the subjective since views of political conflict and terrorism
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Human Recources Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Human Recources - Essay Example This needlessly and unreasonably marginalizes people categorized as being religious or belonging to any religion. Title 7 of the Civil Rights Act 1964 limits the abuse by any employer. It provides a guideline to the employersââ¬â¢ acts and decisions and to a certain extent even his belief towards managing his employees. Title 7 of the act states that it would be an unlawful employment practice if an employer intentionally or unintentionally tends to limit or classify his employees in any way that an employee is deprived of an opportunity towards the employment or affects the status of the individual. As part of the title 7 under the civil rights act 1964, constructive dismissal is considered as unfair and unlawful employment practices. The law prohibits firing employees without cause. Constructive dismissal is a way for an employer to circumvent the intentions of the civil rights act by creating such an atmosphere in a work place that an employee has no option but to resign. In th is case the former employee is alleging that the practice of constructive dismissal has taken place. ... s it prove that the employer was targeting any specific employee in order to get rid of the individual or creating circumstances for constructive dismissal. The former employee would need to prove that these changes in the factory scheduling had no other reason than to discriminate against certain religions. In order to successfully defend against these allegations and respond to the former employeeââ¬â¢s allegations, the company has to show the necessity of the change in schedule and why it was inevitable for the management of the company to reverse back the change that was brought about. I believe if we can demonstrate that these changes were necessary for the business needs, we will be successful in our defense. Firstly, production facilities that use a just in time factory schedule for production might get raw material supplies at night. If such a company changes its factory schedule from day hours to night hours, some employees might not prefer the new schedule and would need to quit their jobs. In this case the company has a demonstrated need for a change in schedule and any employee no longer used to the new schedule cannot allege constructive dismissal. Second, instead of getting raw material supplied for production daily, the company shifts to buying raw material in bulk for the next week, in order to be more efficient. Again, the company needs to prove that this change might have not been suitable for certain employees but the change is clearly motivated by business needs rather than discrimination prohibited by the Civil Rights Act of 1964 in order to reply to the employeeââ¬â¢s charge of constructive dismissal. Title 7 of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 provides a definition to religious discrimination by stating that it involves treating a person unfavorably
Monday, October 14, 2019
Female Participation in the Labour Force
Female Participation in the Labour Force INTRODUCTION Female participation in the labor force has been a compelling issue throughout the history. It is also a very dynamic topic in all countries independent of that development level. Itââ¬â¢s because, the place of women in work life can be considered as brand-new subject compared to that of men in all societies. Therefore, from 1980ââ¬â¢s the states which are more classified as welfare states like Sweden, Norway and The Netherlands have been trying to implement some social policies in order to increase women participation in the labor force. In this paper, I would like to propose a study to find out the relation between female participation in the labor force and social policies implemented by states. My plan is more to focus on womenââ¬â¢s point of views and their perception of family policies. More specifically, I am interested in mothers and what sort of influences that family policies have on mothers in terms of their participation in work life. The reason makes me sceptic about this issue is that family policies can have negative results on mothers which is considered as ââ¬Ëââ¬â¢mommy trackââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬â¢ in the literature. (Ejnà ¦s, 2011, p.242) [1] As I mentioned before both women studies and welfare state studies are new phenomena and there is barely a research especially on mothers and the consequences of the policies rather than type of policies. For this reason, I believe there is a lack in the literature that allows me to make a research on this crucial issue. If there is a significant relationship between female participation in the workforce and family policies done by state? Even though my starting point is thinking that these policies have negative results on womenââ¬â¢s participation in labor force. In literature there is quite disagreement in interpreting policiesââ¬â¢ results as good or bad. However, even current literature is rich about consequences of family policies, there is still lack of study which looks at the issue from mothersââ¬â¢ point of views. Hence, through this study I would like to contribute to literature while showing motherââ¬â¢s perception of family policies. The proposal begins with literature review. Second, it describes offered methodology and then finally I will elaborate what kind of further studies can be done depending this research. LITERATURE REVIEW Although traditional family structure, which encourages male participation in the labor force for breadwinning, is chancing recently, parenthood still has a huge negative effects on female. That is because women are still recognized as most important caregivers. Most of the time, the place of women has been fixed within the private sphere, in other words within their home life. Thus, literature of family policiesââ¬â¢ effects on the labor force mostly focuses on women and especially mothers. As I mentioned above, despite the fact that researchers use the same subject for their research, there is a disagreement about how do they describe the effects of family policies. Now, I will summarize some important works which try to understand issue of family policies and its effects on the female participation in the labor market. OECD (2005) focuses on the consequences of policy reforms and policies that regulate female participation in the labor market. The author accepts the flexibility of working-time arrangements, family taxation, to support to maintenance and care of children as indicators of policies that affect female participation in the labor market. OECD claims that more flexible working-time causes more opportunity to access to part-time works for women increase female participation. Moreover, if second earners of home and single earners are taxed in the same way, it would be an increase in female labor force. In addition to that according to OECD findings childcare subsidies and parental leave promote female participation but there is a trick in parental leave if it is more than 20 weeks, it begins to create negative consequences on participation rate. On the other hand child benefit reduces women participation in the labor market after the birth. Basically, they claim that longer prental leave du ration and high child benefits lead to ââ¬Ësit back and earnââ¬â¢ idea in families. The author uses OECDââ¬â¢s database and analyze 17 OECD countries for panel data regression. (OECD, 2005) Mandel and Semyonov (2006) try to understand women participation in labor market and their occupational achievement among welfare state. They assumed that the state has two dimension; as a legislator and as an employer. For both two perspectives, they claimed that family policies in welfare states increase women participation in the workforce. However, this situation does not solve the problem of gender inequality and gender wage gap. Either women get paid with lower salaries because of their ââ¬Ëexcuse timeââ¬â¢ or maternal leave is given one-sided which creates an unequal division of labor between father and mother to take care their babies. They analyze 22 countries and their findings depend on Welfare State Intervention Index and Luxemburg Ãâà °ncome Study. (Mandel Semyonov, 2006) Warnecke (2008) conduct a research about that although Spanish government try to regulate family policies such as maternal leave, child benefits and child provision, why there is a still lower female participation in the workforce. She claims that all social policiesââ¬â¢ consequences differ in different countries and on different group of women in one country. In the Spain case; the maternal leave has a negative impact on motherââ¬â¢s decision about returning work force. That is because there is a social support for a traditional division of labor in Spain. Woman who uses maternal leave start to see her child as a main occupation and do not want to reenter her position in the worklife. The author uses one case study as a method for her study.(Warnecke, 2008) Another one case study analyzes Sweden. Evertsson and Duvander (2011) analyze Sweden because that there is flexibility about length of maternal leave. They claimed that if the length of the maternal leave, which is one of the most important family policy as they claim, is more than 3 years, women would become less willing to go back to their job. In addition to this, employers become skeptic about womenââ¬â¢s productivity and work effort. Accordingly, even though some women want to go back to their job, they have hard times to find one and because of the less opportunity of finding a job, their salaries are considered as favour by employers and they are generally lower compared to male workers who are count as more constant and reliable for companies. (Evertson Duvander, 2011) Ejnà ¦s (2011) aims to show relationship between family policies and mothersââ¬â¢ choices between work and childcare and perceived occupational consequences of that choices. He analyzes maternal leave and child care in 5 different countries depending on Round 2 of the European Social Survey. He uses ââ¬Å"multivariate logistic regression modelâ⬠for his research. (Ejnà ¦s, 2011, p. 246) His findings show that long maternal leave policies discourage women to go back to their work but on the other side of the coin, short maternal leave and lack of child care force women to choose early return or unemployment. In the case of motherââ¬â¢s perception, long maternal leave and childcare provision reduce mothersââ¬â¢ negative feeling about their career. METHODOLOGY First of all, family policies and mothersââ¬â¢ perception of career are the main concepts in this research. Family policies aim to increase women participation to labor force and they are regulated by state. These policies try to regulate market itself by taxation or womenââ¬â¢s participation to work force. In this research, I will use length of maternal leave as an indicator for family policies. That is because only maternal leave has direct effects on mothersââ¬â¢ daily life. In addition to that, generally, most of the researchers consider that maternal leave is the most important measure. (Henning, Gatermann, Hà ¤gglund, 2012) I will use OECD (2005) database for operating family policies. Another concept is mothersââ¬â¢ perception about their future and present career. I mean that I will research mothersââ¬â¢ feelings and opinion about their present and future career after the maternal leave. What are the effects of state policies on mothersââ¬â¢ subsequent lif e outcomes? I will use mothersââ¬â¢ feeling and opinions about that they whatever they will come back to labor market or not as an indicator. I will use my surveyââ¬â¢s result for operating mothersââ¬â¢ perception. Secondly, my research question is the following: is there a relationship between the length of maternal leave and the perception of mothersââ¬â¢ about their career? Accordingly, my hypothesis is that there is a relationship between the length of maternal leave and the negative perception of mothersââ¬â¢ about their career. In this hypothesis, the length of the maternal leave is the dependent variable and mothersââ¬â¢ perception is the independent variable. I measure mothersââ¬â¢ perception in the nominal and ordinal level by doing survey. I use ratio level of measurement for length of maternal leave. I will use qualitative methods to conduct this research. That is because mothersââ¬â¢ perception about their career is an empirical variable. I mean that it is a human behavior and linked to how mothers feel and act. In addition to this, I want to show that deeper causes of mothersââ¬â¢ non-reenter in labor market and I will not use numerical and statistical variables for my research. This kind of variable is measured by qualitative methods. Although qualitative method is the most appropriate method for my research, there are some possible disadvantages. First of all, qualitative methods are more expensive from quantitative methods and it takes more time than other methods. Secondly, in qualitative methods, researchesââ¬â¢ bias effect is inevitable but I try to reduce this effect by my research design which I you will show next paragraph. Finally, qualitative methods are not generalizable easily because it is not statistical. I will plan to conduct a survey. This survey should be a personal interview. My target of survey must be mothers who have at least one year work experience before having baby. That is because I want to eliminate mothers who have already no willingness about their future and present career. In addition to that, I will choose mothers that are in the decision making process about their career. This process corresponds to one month ago before that maternal leave is finished. Moreover, interviewers of my research should be women. That is because mothers are more comfortable about their feelings in front of their fellows. As I mentioned above, I have a target group for my research, so my sample must be non-probabilistic and it should be purposiveness. I want to choose sample groups through Austria, France, Denmark, and United State of America, Australia and United Kingdom. I choose first three of them because that they have the longest maternal leave process. I choose United State of Ameri ca, Australia and United Kingdom because that they have the shortest length of maternal leave. (OECD, 2005) After that for each country, I will try to access mothers who have at least one year work experience by using data from public employment offices or ministries of labor. Possible questions that the survey includes will try to figure out womenââ¬â¢s perception with as little bias as possible. For instance, participants will be asked how much time they have spent at home just because to take care of their children. This question aims to understand that to what degree women have dependency to their homes and children. Subsequently, the participants will be asked some questions about family policies of their countries. Potential questions for this section would be: (1) How maternal leave affects your feeling and opinions about your business life? (2)Why do you work before having baby? (3) Does your children have any health problem? (4) Do you have any relatives who can help you about childcare? (5) What do you think about the length of maternal leave? (6) Do you think maternal leave changes your perception about your career? (7) Are you divorced/single parent? Question 3 and 4 aim to understand if mothers are not returning their work because of economic difficulties or not and the rest of the questions intend to focus on mothersââ¬â¢ perception and their psychological condition about maternal leave and working after birth. Finally, I want to discuss my measurementsââ¬â¢ reliability and validity. It should be known that each respondent has different characteristics. This diversity might reduce our survey reliability. For making my survey is more reliable I will use split half method- designing the same question in different words to eliminate different characteristics of respondents. I assume that these qualitative questions combined with field work will give me consistent results about womenââ¬â¢s perception of maternal leave and their participation in the labor force. CONCLUSION AND FURTHER RESEARCH TOPICS In this section, I will discuss further research question that would be asked based on my potential results. First of all, I am aware that even though women perception will give us a different angle while critising family policies of the states, the culture and family structures that women are part of are very influential on women decisions. For this reason, more anthropological researchs can be done to figure out the divergence of reentering decisions of women. Each country can be elaborated with their different cultural rituals and it can be seen that to what extend that particular culture fosters gender stratification. Secondly, I will conduct my research in country-level. But, it is possible that even within a country, the regions can affect policies, perceptions and opportunities of women to return the work life. Thus, regional-level survey may help us to see regional differences if there is any. Finally, I believe the most important aspect of my research is to be based on my main target group, mothers. Thus, in any case the attempt to understand mothersââ¬â¢ perception on maternal leave will be valuable for further researchs both culturally and politically. REFERENCES Ejnà ¦s, A. (2011). The Ãâà °mpact Of Family Policy And Career Ãâà °nterruptions Of The Negative Occupational Consequences of Full-Time Home Care. European Societies, 239-256. Evertson, M., Duvander, A.-Z. (2011). Parental Leave- Possibility or Trap? Does Family Leave Lenght Effect Swedish Womens Labour Market Opportunities? European Sociological Review, 435-450. Henning, M., Gatermann, D., Hà ¤gglund, A. E. (2012). Pros and Cons of Family Policies for Mothers Labour Market Participation . Ãâà °nternational Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 502-512. Mandel, H., Semyonov, M. (2006, may). A Welfare State Paradox: State Ãâà °nterventations and Womens Employment Opportunities in 22 Countries. American Journal Sociology, 1910-1949. OECD. (2005). Female Labour Force Participation: Past Trends and Main Determinants in OECD Countries. OECD ià §inde, Economic Policy Reforms 2005: Going for Growth (s. 161-174). OECD Publishing. Warnecke, T. L. (2008). Women as Wives, Mothers or Workers: How Welfare Eligibility Requirements Ãâà °nfluence Womens Labor Force Participation -A Case Study of Spain- . Journal of Economic Ãâà °ssues, 981-1004. [1] Ejnà ¦s citied this concept from Fraser,N., 1994,ââ¬â¢After the family wage; Gender eqiuty adn the welfare stateââ¬â¢, Political theory 22(4): 591-618
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